Game Economy

The game economy is a complex and interconnected ecosystem that balances supply and demand while providing players with an engaging and rewarding experience. At its core, the game economy relies on fuel as the primary medium of exchange for all in-game purchases, assets, and services.

Fuel is generated by landowners, who can use it to upgrade their plots or sell it to other players via the Fuel Pool. This allows landowners to monetise their plots and generate real-world value from participating in the game.

The game's economy is divided into two main categories: supply games and demand games. Supply games, such as Illuvium Zero and Illuvium Overworld, contribute to fuel generation and items within the game. In these games, players can gather resources, craft items, and create valuable assets that can be traded or used in other games within the ecosystem.

Demand games, such as Illuvium Arena and Illuvium Beyond, primarily consume the fuel and items generated in the supply games. These games require players to have the necessary resources to participate, thus driving demand for fuel and items in the marketplace. By balancing supply and demand, the game economy ensures that resources maintain value and remain relevant to the gameplay experience. No additional Supply games are planned; instead, the focus will be on introducing more Demand games to stimulate demand within the game economy further.

The game economy is designed to respond dynamically to fluctuations in supply and demand. If the amount of fuel being generated and consumed remains relatively stable, the fuel price should also remain stable. However, if there is an imbalance in the supply and demand for fuel, the game economy can be adjusted to address these changes. For instance, if more fuel is being purchased than generated, the DAO can sell more land plots (up to a maximum of 100,000) or introduce new features and mechanics that increase the fuel supply, stabilising the market.

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