
Explanation of the different features of the Overview page

The Overview page provides users with a high-level view of important metrics related to the Illuvium Staking protocol and serves as a launchpad for different sections of the app.

The Overview page can be found at: staking.illuvium.io/


The overview page contains three launchpad cards that allow users to navigate to the most important sections of the app quickly. These are the Stake, Rewards, and Vesting cards shown below.

Emission Schedule

The Emission Schedule component allows stakers and community members to quickly glance at the current status of Illuvium's yield farming program. It highlights the current epoch, how much ILV is scheduled for yield within that epoch in each core pool, and how much ILV has been emitted in total.

Estimated Holders

The Estimated Holders component shows how many unique wallets currently interact with the protocol and hold ILV. This number is an estimate because it's impossible to calculate exactly how many unique wallets currently hold ILV, provide liquidity in the ILV/ETH pool, currently stake in any of our core pools or other pools in other protocols.

Total Amount Staked

The Total Amount Staked component provides an overview of the USD value deposited in our core pools. This is combined in the 'Total' tab to give a total value across both pools. A tab is provided for each pool to see the numbers for each pool individually.

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