
The Staking v2 Dashboard summarises a wallet's complete activity with the Illuvium Staking protocol. It allows users to see their token balances in their wallets and available staking pools.

The Dashboard page can be found at: staking.illuvium.io/dashboard

Wallet Balances

The dashboard displays the connected wallet's current balance for sILV2 and ILV. Each balance also shows the equivalent USD value.


The Portfolio section of the dashboard shows the connected wallet's balances in each core pool. It combines the total USD value of all liquidity across both pools in the main tab. It also gives users the option to see the total balance of each core pool by selecting the relevant tab. Amounts are shown in the token relevant to the pool and the USD equivalent.

Pending Rewards

The Pending Rewards component gives users an overview of the amount of Pending Rewards they can claim from the protocol at this time. Users can click the 'Claim rewards' button to be taken to the Rewards page to start claiming. It shows the total amount of Pending Rewards from both core pools.

Revenue Distribution

The dashboard's Revenue Distribution (RevDis) card tells users how much ILV they have available to claim as RevDis. You can learn more about Revenue Distributions here: [ADD LINK]

RevDis Claimed

Shows the total amount of RevDis claimed by the connected wallet.

ILV Earned Daily

Shows the approximate amount of ILV the connected wallet can earn daily, based on its current balances across both pools and the number of rewards distributed in the current epoch. Keep in mind this value fluctuates and is an estimate only.

Total ILV Claimed

Shows the total amount of ILV claimed by the connected wallet.

Total sILV2 Claimed

Shows the total amount of sILV2 claimed by the connected wallet.

Last updated